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Notice From The General Coordinator

Updated: Jul 27



Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands



His Eminence Sir John Card. Ribat MSC

Most Rev. Archbishops and Bishops PNG/SI

A/Diocese Papal Visit Coordinators

Greetings of Peace and Joy from Port Moresby

Sub: Papal Visit participation from the Dioceses

Following the letter sent on the 24th June 2024, please kindly take note that the 10th of August 2024 is marked as the final date for all the name lists of official delegates from the dioceses to the Papal visit in Port Moresby to be sent to Ms. Rosalind Saige for the final accreditation.

Few things need to be considered:

  • All diocesan official delegates (maximum 100 per diocese) will have to be in possession of a return air fare ticket.

  • For the Clergy and Religious, the Diocesan Coordinators will have to send as soon as possible a passport size photo and the name of each of them to Ms. Rosalind Saige at CBC on her email address:

  • For the other official delegates, please submit only their names to Ms. Rosalind Saige for the accreditation and entry pass to Sir John Guise Stadium.

  • The dioceses of Bereina and Kerema will be allocated one thousand (1000) passes each through the Diocesan Coordinators. Should they need more passes, they will advice accordingly.

For more information, they can contact Ms. Rosalind Saige on Phone: 7359 0320 (Whatsapp), 7835 6660 or Email:

  • Spiritual preparation for the Apostolic Journey: Prayer for the Apostolic Journey of Papua New Guinea. We have printed and distributed the prayer cards to all the dioceses, please ask the faithful in all the parishes to pray for the Apostolic Journey of our Holy Father.

  • Holy Hour and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We request all the parishes to organize Holy Hour and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday starting from next week. During the Holy Hour please pray for Pope Francis and for the success of his Apostolic Journey.

Yours In Christ,

Rev. Fr Lawrence Arockiaraj

General Coordinator

Phone: +675 325 9577; Mobile/Whatsapp: +675 7173 8273;

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